Thursday, September 27, 2012


The question about the use of electronic tools in Kanban is one of the most popular in all of my trainings and talks. There are a lot of things to consider before using a purely electronic solution. Markus Andrezak and I have written an essay about this topic in our free ebook Replenishment.

Our friends from Jimdo have experienced quite a lot of the advantages and disadvantages of both physical and electronic tools. So they felt the desire to develop a tool that combines the best of both worlds. This was the birth of JimFlow - a tool that uses QR technology and cameras to allow teams to use card walls and a digital board at the same time without too much extra effort for maintenance. A couple of months ago Jimdo and it-agile decided to join forces to develop a first version of this tool and make it accessible to teams all over the world. At this page you can find a short and entertaining video that shows how JimFlow works. And if you‘re interested in this tool, you can also sign up for updates.

Today we made an Alpha Test with the new Jira Integration. This is what it looked like:

We plan to release a first version under an OpenSource license before December. It will be a first MVP, and we are looking for feedback. So please let us know what you think!

P.S. You can also follow the Twitter Handle @JimFlow_app to keep track!


  1. fine work, how can i be automatically informed about the opensource-project?

  2. you can:

    - subscribe to the newsletter at
    - follow JimFlow via Twitter
    - like JimFlow at Facebook

  3. That's so cool! I had this idea since 2008 when we were checking out tools to support our Scrum process.

    Great to see somebody actually put the idea into action :)


Yes wie Kanban Yes wie Kanban